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FAQs for Berkey® Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements

Is the performance of Berkey® Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements dependant on the pH of the water I put in my Berkey System?

Yes. The filtration media for fluoride reduction is most effective when used with very low pH water (between pH 5 and 6).

When should I change out the Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Elements?

Under optimal pH conditions, the Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Elements should be replaced before 1000 gallons of use.
Note  The filtration media for fluoride reduction is most effective when used with very low pH water (between pH 5 and 6).

How long can I safely store used Berkey Fluoride and Arsenic Elements?

Used (wetted) Berkey Fluoride and Arsenic Elements should not be stored longer than 2 weeks. Once wetted, these elements should be discarded and replaced after storage for longer than 2 weeks. They cannot be dried out and then reused.

How do I store the Berkey Fluoride and Arsenic Elements when I’m on vacation?

Remove the Berkey Fluoride and Arsenic Elements from your Berkey® System and drain any water within them.  Place the elements in a zip-lock bag and store them in the front of your refrigerator.  Store the elements for no longer than two weeks.  Re-prime the elements from both sides before reinstalling them in your Berkey® System.

How much should I tighten my Berkey Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements?

You should tighten your Berkey Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements NO MORE than 8-9 full rotations.  This is to protect the screen within the filter that contains the fluoride and arsenic reduction media.  If you can tighten the Fluoride and Arsenic Element all the way up the stem of the Black Berkey® Purification Elements or Berkey Earth® Elements without reaching 8-9 rotations, that is perfectly fine.

Do not overtighten the elements, which may cause damage to the inner screen of the elements.

I have white floaters (or a film) in the bottom of my Berkey® System. What is this?

This is most likely residual media being discharged from your Berkey® Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements. The media within them is inert and non-water soluble, so it is not a health concern. To resolve the issue, we recommend re-priming your elements from both ends for 20-30 seconds (each end). This should dislodge any remaining loose media within the element and leave clear water in your bottom chamber.

Water isn’t flowing through my Berkey Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements. Why?

Re-prime your Berkey Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements from both end to force out any clogging within the filters.  Prime for no longer than 30 seconds per end.

Can I recycle the Berkey® Fluoride/Arsenic Reduction Elements?

The outer shells of the Berkey® PF-2™ and PF-4™ are made of polypropylene, which is plastic recycle code #5. The used internal media should be placed in the garbage.