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Shungite Pendants

Shungite pendants are worn like an amulet, touching the skin, and usually over the heart chakra.

Each piece of shungite has unique veins and markings.

Choose the shape of pendant that appeals to you.

  • The benefits of wearing shungite jewelry
    Evidence suggests that wearing shungite jewelry supports the energetic balance (biofield) of the body and helps to reduce the negative effects of exposure to harmful electromagnetic frequencies in daily life.

    However, it is unwise to assume that wearing shungite jewelry will completely eradicate the harmful effects from all harmful radiations influencing your vicinity. This would require being enclosed in a room constructed entirely of shungite. Such rooms exist in Russia for medical treatments and are used by the Russian military for psychoneurological recovery.

    Unlike many other mineral stones used for personal protection, it is believed that shungite does not harbour negative influences. watermatters™ is not able to verify this, except by subjective tests. If in doubt, some people will clean shungite stone under cool running water, or test and clear it energetically by their chosen method.

    The user should use shungite for protective and/or corrective purposes at their own discretion. watermatters™ is not responsible for the results obtained by the user.

    This information has not been evaluated by Health Canada. The products mentioned herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made herein are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.
  • Why are my hands black after handling shungite?
    Shungite contains carbon. New shungite pieces (especially if unpolished) may still have some loose carbon dust on the surface of the stone. Although a bit messy a first, this carbon dust is not harmful (in fact, quite the contrary). The loose carbon will wash and rub off. After some handling, the product will no longer leave any black residue. This is simply part of 'breaking in' any new shungite product.

    What’s the difference between polished and unpolished shungite?
    The difference is purely aesthetic. Some people prefer the sheen of polished shungite; others prefer the more natural look of unpolished shungite. There is no difference in effect or functionality of polished versus unpolished shungite. There is, however, a difference between regular shungite and ‘elite’ shungite which has a black metallic glassy look.

    What’s the difference between ‘elite’ shungite and regular shungite?
    Elite shungite is also known as ‘silver’, ‘noble’ or ‘bright’ shungite. It has a glassy black metallic look and is lighter in weight than regular shungite. It displays small orange inclusions of pyrite. It is brittle, fractures easily and is available in unformed chunks.

    Although it is mined from the same area in the Russian republic of Karelia, elite shungite is much rarer, and considerably more expensive, than regular shungite. Elite shungite is approximately 98% carbon – of a type that is loaded with fullerene molecules, which account for its potent properties. Regular shungite contains 30 - 60% carbon. It typically has whitish veins or spots of silicate minerals and is much more common and plentiful than elite shungite. Regular shungite can be shaped into jewelry and geometric forms. The high polish that can be applied to its surface is not the same as the natural glassy appearance of elite shungite.

    Does shungite need to be cleared of ‘negative energies’?
    The prevailing belief is that, unlike most other stones used for personal protection, shungite does not become impregnated by, or need to be cleared of, accumulated harmful ‘energy’. This distinctive attribute is explained by the presence of fullerenes in shungite.

    Fullerenes are said to catalyze harmful substances (thereby transforming them into a harmless state), rather than accumulating toxic frequencies and substances. Watermatters™ cannot prove these ideas, although our experience with using shungite resonates with them. Watermatters™ can only to point to studies and experiences that support this position. We encourage readers and users to use their own discernment and seek/apply appropriate testing methods.

    This information has not been evaluated by Health Canada. The products mentioned herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made herein are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.
  • Studies and publications about shungite
    The Structure and Composition of Natural Carbonaceous Fullerene Containing Mineral Shungite. Oleg Mosin & Ignat Ignatov. International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research. Issue 3 volume 6, Nov-Dec. 2013

    Shielding Effect of Mineral Schungite During Electromagnetic Irradiation of Rats. S.P.Kurotchenko, T.I. Subbotina, I.I. Tuktamyshev, I.Sh. Tuktamyshev, A.A. Khadartsev, A.A. Yashin Nov 2003

    Electromagnetic Protection Based on Shungite
    Cyril W. Smith, PhD (author of Electromagnetic Man) March 2017

    Shungite Protection, Healing, and Detoxification
    book by Regina Martino, 2014

    Shungite & Radioactivity